Proposed for membership
Lynn Wagner; Classification Banker,
Nancy Kleniewski; Classification Higher Education
If any objections or comments on these prospective members please contact the Membership Chair Russell or President Tom
Introduced guests of the Wakefield Rotary Club by Russell Bertrand,
Chuck Riotto; Guest of Steve White,
Jacquelyn Shardlow and her daughter Kayla
Cassy Steelbblok Guest of Spencer Seitz
Happy Bucks-
Carl M. on his BAZAAR statement the week before.
Jim B. Upcoming PAW SOX Game, Friday August 17, Meet at his store (A&B Family Appliance) to have pizza and car pool from there. Also there will be an O'Rielly Auto Parts moving into the old Bennys.
Elizabeth, Segin says Hello; and to Hump a Choir CD.
Spenser just got back from Alaska
Sandy spent time in San Francisco
Pam, Selling her furniture before the move to Maine
Chuck Riotto, Steve and Maureen are making him homeless
Bob Cruz presiding over his first meeting like a PRO!