Speaker Program:
Shauna Beland from The RI Office of Energy Resource brought Malinda Howard from Solarize Narragansett and Dana Wienberg from SunWatt Solar.
They made a presentation with a slideshow about Solar panel installation on private homes and small businesses. Costs can be in the $3 per watt range depending on how many total watts are sold throughout the town. South Kingstown has just completed the program. National Grid will purchase back energy used as a credit if you produce more that you use. Some low interest loans are available for a projected   positive cash flow to the consumer at the end of the project.
Dana,from SunWatt Solar spoke about the actual installations of the panels on roofs of homes. An owner of the company is a foreman and supervises most installations.
Tom adjourned the meeting at 1:30 The speakers stayed and answered questions from the membership.
Next Week-  Balloon Festival July 20-21-22, please sign up for Volunteer opportunities!!
Respectfully submitted Russell Bertrand. Many thanks to Pam Ancheta for scribing during the meeting.